How to..

Style dungarees:

Okay so it’s nothing new, that I like wearing dungarees… perhaps a little too often, but i’ll leave that for you to decide. I’m writing this blog post because I have received a lot of questions about how to wear them and where to buy them from. So I guess this is my guide to dungarees (or overalls for all my American friends):

Firstly, tip number one, and perhaps the most obvious, yet most crucial:

If you are new too the world of dungarees wearing, then opt for a simple striped top, they are a match made in heaven, and you can’t really go wrong.

Look number 1: I’ve teamed my ‘We are Cow’  indigo denim dungarees with Brown Docs, Brandy Melville  socks, Kanken rucksack, round ray bans and a simple classic Bretton striped tee (Charity shop).


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Look number 2: Once you’ve mastered the striped tee, then the world of dungarees is your oyster, it’s now time to add a bit of colour :). Because a world without colour would be very boring 🙂

Bellow I have styled my vintage Gap dungarees, from Rokit,  with: white hightop converse, simple layering jewellery from ‘Jukserei‘,  Kapton&son watch, and my favourite Red colourful jumper (vintage Abercrombie, so you could search eBay, they may have similar :))

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Now its your turn, show me how you style your dungarees….

Just have fun with it 🙂

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9 thoughts on “How to..

  1. Hey Olivia 🙂 LOVE your blog & your style!!!

    I was wondering when you bought the pair of dungarees you are wearing in the first picture of this post ( we are cow indigo denim dungarees) 🙂 I can’t seem to find that particular pair of dungarees on their webpage..


  2. Hello from America! I follow you on Instagram and recently found your blog! I absolutely love your style. You give me so many ideas and new ways to style things that I never would have thought of myself. And you rock overalls so well that I now want a pair haha. And I love your hair!


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